324 research outputs found


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    This capstone project evaluated the use of blockchain technology to address a number of challenges with increasing amounts of disparate sensor data and an information-rich landscape that can quickly overwhelm effective decision-making processes. The team explored how blockchain can be used in a variety of defense applications to verify users, validate sensor data fed into artificial intelligence models, limit access to data, and provide an audit trail across the data life cycle. The team developed a conceptual design for implementing blockchain for tactical data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning applications; identified challenges and limitations involved in implementing blockchain for the tactical domain; described the benefits of blockchain for these various applications; and evaluated this project’s findings to propose future research into a wider set of blockchain applications. The team did this through the development of three use cases. One use case demonstrated the use of blockchain at the tactical edge in a “data light” information environment. The second use case explored the use of blockchain in securing medical information in the electronic health record. The third use case studied blockchain’s application in the use of multiple sensors collecting data for chemical weapons defense to support measurement and signature intelligence analysis using artificial intelligence and machine learning.Civilian, Department of the ArmyCivilian, Department of the ArmyCivilian, Department of the ArmyCivilian, Department of the ArmyCivilian, Department of the ArmyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Análisis de las discrepancias entre la Norma Internacional de Contabilidad Nº 2 - Inventarios y los artículos 37º inc.(c), 62º y 20º numeral 1 de la Ley del Impuesto a la Renta, 2018

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    El desarrollo de la presente tesis “Análisis de las discrepancias entre la Norma Internacional de Contabilidad Nº 2 –Inventarios y los artículos 37º inc.(f), 62º y 20º numeral 1 de la Ley del Impuesto a la Renta” se enfoca generalmente en las controversias que existentes en los artículos antes mencionados donde aclararemos algunas dudas respecto al tema. En la cual se puede decir que los inventarios se medirán al costo o al valor neto realizable, según cual sea menor. El costo de los inventarios se asignará utilizando los métodos de valuación aceptados por la Norma Internacional de Contabilidad Nº 2 (NIC-2) y los métodos descritos en el artículo 62º de la Ley del Impuesto a la Renta (LIR) que son los siguientes: El Método del Costo Promedio, Primeras en Entrar primeras en Salir (PEPS o FIFO), Identificación específica, Inventario al detalle o por menor, Existencias básicas. Es dentro de las NIC’s, donde podemos encontrar una relacionada específicamente al tratamiento que se les da a los inventarios, nos estamos refiriendo a la NIC 2, que si bien no incluye literalmente los términos de: mermas y desmedros, si regula el tratamiento que se deben dar en caso de ocurrencia de estos hechos, como también encontramos todo en relación al costo de adquisición lo cual son considerados como gastos del periodo en que se reconozcan. El tipo de investigación que se realizo fue de diseño no experimental, ya que no se manipularan deliberadamente las variables. Se observará el fenómeno tal y como están en su contexto natural, para después analizar y describir sus diferencias. Cabe señalar, que la realización de esta investigación obedece a la necesidad de analizar la importancia de aplicar la NIC 2 y la LIR es para la describir las diferencias existentes para su mejor interpretación.The development of this thesis "Analysis of the discrepancies between the International Accounting Standard No. 2 - Inventories and articles 37º inc. (F), 62º and 20º numeral 1 of the Income Tax Law" generally focuses on the controversies that exist in the aforementioned articles where we will clarify some doubts about the subject. In which it can be said that the inventories will be measured at cost or net realizable value, whichever is less. The cost of the inventories will be assigned using the valuation methods accepted by International Accounting Standard No. 2 (NIC-2) and the methods described in article 62 of the Income Tax Law (LIR), which are the following: The Average Cost Method, First to Enter First Exit (FIFO or FIFO), Specific Identification, Retail or Retail Inventory, Basic Stocks. It is within the NICs, where we can find one specifically related to the treatment given to the inventories, we are referring to the NIC 2, which does not include literally the terms of: losses and demerits, if it regulates the treatment that is they must give in case of occurrence of these events, as we also find everything related to the cost of acquisition which are considered as expenses of the period in which they are recognized. The type of research that was carried out was of a non-experimental design, since the variables were not deliberately manipulated. The phenomenon will be observed as they are in their natural context, to later analyze and describe their differences. It should be noted that the realization of this research is due to the need to analyze the importance of applying IAS 2 and the LIR is to describe the existing differences for better interpretation

    Códigos simbólicos en la categoría de motociclistas en Bogotá

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    El auge y el uso masivo de la motocicleta como medio de transporte, han hecho que la compra y venta de accesorios para este vehículo, tenga un crecimiento sin precedentes en la historia de la movilidad de Bogotá. Debido a los embotellamientos frecuentes, a un deficiente sistema de transporte masivo de carácter público y a las largas distancias que las personas debían recorrer en los desplazamientos a sus diferentes destinos, la opción de adquirir una motocicleta como medio de transporte, se hizo cada vez más viable. Sin embargo, los recorridos en este tipo de medio de transporte están condicionados al buen tiempo atmosférico, ya que el agua, la humedad y el polvo, pueden ocasionar daños irreparables en las pertenencias del motociclista. A raíz de esta problemática, fue necesario buscar una protección adecuada para la maleta, el casco y demás accesorios, con fin de evitar daños en ellos y que su uso y tenencia fueran prácticos y cómodos.PregradoMercadeo y PublicidadMercadeo y Publicida

    La Indeterminación de la Aplicación del Cómputo de los Plazos Procesales en el Proceso Civil y Mercantil

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    El estudio que desarrolla el presente trabajo se enfoca en la importancia de llevar a cabo las actuaciones de las partes procesales en el tiempo como en el espacio, las cuales se realizan mediante ciertos plazos que pueden ser establecidos por la ley y por el juzgador. En ese sentido, el desarrollo de los actos procesales deberá de realizarse en el momento procesal oportuno para que puedan ser eficaces, dado que un acto procesal que se lleve a cabo en cierto periodo no estipulado para su realización, podría suspenderse ya sea por la caducidad, preclusión o prescripción, efectos cuyo asidero legal se encuentra en el Código Procesal Civil y Mercantil. El enfoque con el que se lleva a cabo la presente investigación, es para brindar las herramientas y el conocimiento a todos aquellos profesionales del derecho y futuros colegas, la correcta aplicación de la norma jurídica en cuanto a la realización de los actos procesales en el tiempo que estipula la ley, debido a que muchas veces son interpretados de diversas formas y se ven afectadas la partes procesales cuando no se realizan los actos procesales en los plazos estipulados por la ley; problemática que ya ha sido resuelta la por Honorable Sala de lo Civil de la Corte Suprema de Justicia en diversas sentencias emitidas para resolver conflictos de aplicación de los cómputos procesales. El análisis se realiza desde el punto de vista legal y jurisprudencial que pretende dar solución y además, brindar el conocimiento de la forma y aplicación del cómputo de los plazos procesales para llevar a cabo las actuaciones de las partes basados en los principios de legalidad, economía procesal, impulso procesal, seguridad jurídica, etc., los cuales brindan una garantía al debido proceso..

    A proposed unified framework to describe the management of biological invasions

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    Managing the impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) is a great societal challenge. A wide variety of terms have been used to describe the management of invasive alien species and the sequence in which they might be applied. This variety and lack of consistency creates uncertainty in the presentation and description of management in policy, science and practice. Here we expand on the existing description of the invasion process to develop an IAS management framework. We define the different forms of active management using a novel approach based on changes in species status, avoiding the need for stand-alone descriptions of management types, and provide a complete set of potential management activities. We propose a standardised set of management terminology as an emergent feature of this framework. We identified eight key forms of management: (1) pathway management, (2) interception, (3) limits to keeping, (4) secure keeping, (5) eradication, (6) complete reproductive removal, (7) containment and (8) suppression. We recognise four associated terms: prevention; captive management; rapid eradication; and long-term management, and note the use of impact mitigation and restoration as associated forms of management. We discuss the wider use of this framework and the supporting activities required to ensure management is well-targeted, cost-effective and makes best use of limited resources

    A proposed unified framework to describe the management of biological invasions

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    Acknowledgements This paper arose from a workshop of the Invasion Dynamics Network (InDyNet) in Berlin in 2018, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Grant JE 288/8-1, which included a Mercator Fellowship for DLS. Additional support was received through DFG Grants JE 288/9- 1 and JE 288/9-2 to JMJ, the G.E. Hutchinson Chair to DLS and the project ‘‘Capacity Building Neobiota’’ (Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism) to WR. AN, PP and JP were supported by long-term research development project no. RVO 67985939, project 17-19025S and EXPRO grant 19-28807X (Czech Science Foundation). IJ was supported by the J. E. Purkyneˇ Fellowship of the Czech Academy of Sciences. We also thank the referees for this paper for their critical and constructive comments.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The role of species charisma in biological invasions

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    Commonly used in the literature to refer to the "attractiveness", "appeal", or "beauty" of a species, charisma can be defined as a set of characteristics - and the perception thereof - that affect people's attitudes and behaviors toward a species. It is a highly relevant concept for invasion science, with implications across all stages of the invasion process. However, the concept of invasive alien species (IAS) charisma has not yet been systematically investigated. We discuss this concept in detail, provide a set of recommendations for further research, and highlight management implications. We review how charisma affects the processes associated with biological invasions andIASmanagement, including species introductions and spread, media portrayals, public perceptions of species management, research attention, and active public involvement in research and management. Explicit consideration ofIAScharisma is critical for understanding the factors that shape people's attitudes toward particular species, planning management measures and strategies, and implementing a combination of education programs, awareness raising, and public involvement campaigns.Peer reviewe

    Using the IUCN Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa to inform decision-making

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    The Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) is an important tool for biological invasion policy and management and has been adopted as an International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) standard to measure the severity of environmental impacts caused by organisms living outside their native ranges. EICAT has already been incorporated into some national and local decision-making procedures, making it a particularly relevant resource for addressing the impact of non-native species. Recently, some of the underlying conceptual principles of EICAT, particularly those related to the use of the precautionary approach, have been challenged. Although still relatively new, guidelines for the application and interpretation of EICAT will be periodically revisited by the IUCN community, based on scientific evidence, to improve the process. Some of the criticisms recently raised are based on subjectively selected assumptions that cannot be generalized and may harm global efforts to manage biological invasions. EICAT adopts a precautionary principle by considering a species’ impact history elsewhere because some taxa have traits that can make them inherently more harmful. Furthermore, non-native species are often important drivers of biodiversity loss even in the presence of other pressures. Ignoring the precautionary principle when tackling the impacts of non-native species has led to devastating consequences for human well-being, biodiversity, and ecosystems, as well as poor management outcomes, and thus to significant economic costs. EICAT is a relevant tool because it supports prioritization and management of non-native species and meeting and monitoring progress toward the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Target 6

    Libro digital de Matemática Básica: (MA420) Línea Ingeniería

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    Recurso académico elaborado por el Departamento de Ciencias para el curso de Matemática Básica para ingeniería (MA420). Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas.Este texto, al cual llamaremos libro digital, está diseñado para utilizarse en el curso de Matemática Básica para ingeniería (MA420), curso que se dicta en la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). El contenido obedece a un objetivo fundamental: preparar adecuadamente a los alumnos para llevar con éxito los cursos siguientes en cada una de sus carreras y por lo tanto contiene temas que servirán de base a los mismos, además que la metodología usada obedece a un aprestamiento que el alumno adquirirá para lograr su adaptación al proceso universitario

    Carbon and Beyond:The Biogeochemistry of Climate in a Rapidly Changing Amazon

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    The Amazon Basin is at the center of an intensifying discourse about deforestation, land-use, and global change. To date, climate research in the Basin has overwhelmingly focused on the cycling and storage of carbon (C) and its implications for global climate. Missing, however, is a more comprehensive consideration of other significant biophysical climate feedbacks [i.e., CH4, N2O, black carbon, biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), aerosols, evapotranspiration, and albedo] and their dynamic responses to both localized (fire, land-use change, infrastructure development, and storms) and global (warming, drying, and some related to El Niño or to warming in the tropical Atlantic) changes. Here, we synthesize the current understanding of (1) sources and fluxes of all major forcing agents, (2) the demonstrated or expected impact of global and local changes on each agent, and (3) the nature, extent, and drivers of anthropogenic change in the Basin. We highlight the large uncertainty in flux magnitude and responses, and their corresponding direct and indirect effects on the regional and global climate system. Despite uncertainty in their responses to change, we conclude that current warming from non-CO2 agents (especially CH4 and N2O) in the Amazon Basin largely offsets—and most likely exceeds—the climate service provided by atmospheric CO2 uptake. We also find that the majority of anthropogenic impacts act to increase the radiative forcing potential of the Basin. Given the large contribution of less-recognized agents (e.g., Amazonian trees alone emit ~3.5% of all global CH4), a continuing focus on a single metric (i.e., C uptake and storage) is incompatible with genuine efforts to understand and manage the biogeochemistry of climate in a rapidly changing Amazon Basin